Performance Tips

Anthony Lindan’s Peace of Mind Performance Tips

These performnce tips are designed to reduce performance anxiety and help you develop a relaxed and positive attitude so you can present any information, anywhere with confidence, enthusiasm and passion!

For maximum results, please use the Thumbs Up System with these tips.

RH - PEACEP – Presence

  • How audience perceives you – sees you and feels about you.
  • The 3 P’s – strive to be perceived as professional, purposeful and personable.
  • We demonstrate the 3 P’s through our attitude and actions.

E – Energy

  • We are always projecting our energy (passion and enthusiasm) to the audience.
  • The audience will tune into our energy and respond likewise.
  • We get back what we send out. Positive gets positive. Negative gets negative.

A – Awareness
Awareness of yourself. How you feel mentally and physically?
Awareness of your audience – their attention and energy levels.
Awareness of your environment – proactively look out for and mitigate distractions.

C –Confidence

  • How you feel about your knowledge, skills and ability.
  • If you are not confident in yourself and your message neither will the audience.
  • The confidence you project tells your audience:
  • How you feel about yourself
  • Your belief and commitment in your message
  • How you feel about the audience

E – Engage

  • Constantly giving your audience a reason to pay attention and be interested.
  • Invite audience to become an involved participant not just a static observer.
  • Strive be personally engaging.
  • Strive to have an engaging presentation style.
  • Strive to have an engaging message.